Is it Possible to Revive a dead Person? See how cryopreservation can make it possible?

What would it be like for those people to wake up if we could cryogenically preserve them for years, if not centuries? There are currently around 300 people on the verge of death in three facilities in the United States and Russia. They exist in a state of deep cooling known as cryopreservation, and fell asleep after their hearts stopped beating. Their brain tissues were suspended using an ice-free process called vitrification before they experienced true cell death. All are legally dead, but if they could speak, they would most likely argue that their remains do not even qualify as dead bodies. They are, in a sense, just unconscious. Chances are very low still there’s a hope Nobody knows if these people can be revived, but an increasing number of the living seem to believe that uncertainty is preferable to the alternative. Cryonics waiting lists include approximately 1,250 people who are still legally alive, and new facilities are set to open in Oregon, Australia, and Europe in ...