If You Don't Adhere to These 7 Rules, Don't Accept Guest Posts.

Have you given any thought to accepting guest posts on your blog? The KISSmetrics blog received over 400,000 monthly visitors as a result of the blogs we published, the majority of which were written by guest authors. Using the same approach of Guest posting, we expanded our website readership to over 100,000 per month in less than a year. 

You may not be aware of the possibility that, as a result of the prevalence of low-quality guest posts on the internet, search engines may begin to penalise websites that allow guest posts or give particular authors preferential treatment. Even highly regarded blogs with high editorial authority, like the New York Times or Huffington Post, allow guest articles, and many of those entries are jam-packed with subpar information and spammy links.

Guest posting is often disliked by Google.

However, this does not imply that you must forbid guest postings on your blog. Instead, it means you need to be more selective. Don't just accept guest posts because you believe they will provide more attention to your website. Accept them since your readers will gain from the information.

The following 7 guidelines should be adhered to if you intend to allow guest posts:

Rule #1: The one who is writing should have a good track record

When authors offer me a guest post, I look for the following:

Spam: Google their name to make sure they aren't disseminating spam around the internet.

Links: I check to see whether their bio or any of the content has links to spammy websites.

Depth: Evaluate the level of information in their prior content. I often seek out writers that produce articles that are at least 1,000 words and preferably 2,000. Avoid authors who are merely attempting to crank out content for links because you can't fit much advise in a 400 word blog post.

Rule #2: Take note of external links

Rule #3: The material must be in-depth and original.

Rule #4: Be selective

Even if a guest article is excellent, you shouldn't necessarily publish it. The content must be excellent! Your blog won't be regularly read if you don't establish high standards right away.

Rule #5: Don’t give out author accounts

Rule #6: You must completely control the material.

Rule #7: Authors must contribute to and support their local communities.


If you abide by the aforementioned guidelines, Google won't penalise your website for hosting guest posts. Why? Because the only thing that matters is that the guest pieces add value for your audience.


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