If You Don't Adhere to These 7 Rules, Don't Accept Guest Posts.
Have you given any thought to accepting guest posts on your blog? The KISSmetrics blog received over 400,000 monthly visitors as a result of the blogs we published, the majority of which were written by guest authors. Using the same approach of Guest posting , we expanded our website readership to over 100,000 per month in less than a year. You may not be aware of the possibility that, as a result of the prevalence of low-quality guest posts on the internet, search engines may begin to penalise websites that allow guest posts or give particular authors preferential treatment. Even highly regarded blogs with high editorial authority, like the New York Times or Huffington Post, allow guest articles, and many of those entries are jam-packed with subpar information and spammy links. Guest posting is often disliked by Google. However, this does not imply that you must forbid guest postings on your blog. Instead, it means you need to be more selective. Don't just accept guest posts bec...